EMS Personnel Certification


National Registry Of Emergency Medical Services (NREMT) Certification

It is the individual's responsibility to ensure that they maintain their NREMT certification or NREMT SLO account every two years. Individuals are to compete the NREMT Recertification Application in accordance to NREMT requirements. State Licensed Only (SLO) prehospital providers are also required to complete the NREMT Recertification Application every two year. NREMT will allow individuals to submit their NREMT Recertification Application 6-months before expiration. NREMT has issued the "Certification Pathways" into one policy, effective July 9, 2020. NREMT Certification Application is in addition to an individual's requirement to submit their State Education Tracking System (SETS) application every four years.

NREMT Certification Pathway for Initial, Refresher, Re-Entry/Lapsed certification for each level.

Out of State Registered Nurses, Enhanced Nursing License Compact (eNLC) Participation

Out of state Registered Nurses (RN), that do not possess a West Virginia Registered Nursing License wishing to become either West Virginia RN to Paramedics or RN to Mobile Critical Care Nurses must either hold a West Virginia Nursing License or their out of state Nursing License must be from an eNLC state.

Enhanced Nursing Licensure Compact (eNLC) May 2020 Map

Please contact the Certification Unit at EMSCertification@wv.gov

Those standards which have been set forth govern the following types of certified emergency medical services (EMS) personnel. Certification/Recertification Quick Reference Guide

State Recertification National Registry Recertification
Completed every years corresponding with your WVOEMS certification expiration Completed every 2 years corresponding with your National Registry certification expiration date or National Registry SLO expiration date
  • Log into The License Management System (LMS)
  • Click on the applications tab
  • Select the correct application for the level you are certifying or recertifying
  • Complete the application and pay associated fees
  • Go to https://www.nremt.org Select "My Certification" under current role in your National Registry Account
  • Add all courses to your transcript
  • Assign the courses you entered into your transcript to the respective topics in the "NATIONAL COMPONENT", "LOCAL OR STATE COMPONENT", and "INDIVIDUAL COMPONENT" sections. Categories will turn green as you submit the required hours respectively.
  • Complete the "RECERT APPLICATION" section. This is only available within 6 months of your expiration date.
  • Submit your application and notify your training officer (if applicable) and your medical director (if applicable) for signoff.


Recertification Reference Guide and FAQ

Credential Recognition and Transfer

Credential Recognition and Transfer Policy

Reinstatement of Certification

EMT Reinstatement

AEMT Reinstatement

Paramedic Reinstatement

Emergency Medical Vehicle Operator (EMVO)

Initial EMVO Policy

Recertification EMVO Policy


Emergency Medical Responder*

The Emergency Medical Responder provides basic medical treatment on the emergency scene. Emergency Medical Responders cannot transport patients (as class A vehicles are not considered patient transports) and can serve as an attendant-in-charge only on class A (rapid response) emergency vehicles.

Initial EMR Policy

Recertification EMR Policy

Reinstatement EMR Policy

Emergency Medical Technician*

The Emergency Medical Technician performs all of the duties as the First Responder, and in addition, can perform the full gamut of West Virginia Basic Life Support (BLS) and can transport patients to the hospital or care center. An Emergency Medical Technician can serve as attendant-in-charge on class A (rapid response) and B (Basic Life Support transport).

Initial EMT Policy

Recertification EMT Policy

Reinstatement EMT Policy

Advanced Emergency Medical Technician*

The Advanced Emergency Medical Technician can perform all duties of an Emergency Medical Technician, providing Basic Life Support (BLS) and some forms of Advanced Life Support

Initial AEMT Policy

Recertification AEMT Policy

Reinstatement Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT)



The Paramedic provides high level of care, capable of administering powerful drugs and techniques, and can administer Basic Life Support and Advanced Life Support techniques and protocols. Paramedics can serve as attendant-in-charge on class A, B, and C (advanced life support transport) vehicles.

Initial Paramedic Policy

Recertification Paramedic Policy

Initial RN to Paramedic (Non-MCCN)

Reinstatement Paramedic Policy

Mobile Critical Care Paramedic*

Initial MCCP Policy - Coming Soon. Contact EMSCertification@wv.gov for information.


Mobile Critical Care Nurse*

Initial RN to MCCN Policy


Mobile Critical Care Recertification for Paramedic and Nurse*

MCCP/MCCN Recertification Policy


See Also